Tyler W. McAtee, one of the leading business men of Owensboro, son of Benjamin L. McAtee and Margaret Wilson, was born in Bardstown, Kentucky, November 19, 1849.
Benjamin L. McAtee (father) was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, February 14, 1799; removed to Nelson County, Kentucky, in 1812, and was educated in the Bardstown schools; became a stage line contractor and ran a line of stage coaches between Louisville and Nashville and between Louisville and Crab Orchard, known as the Easton & McAtee Stage Line. He sold his interest in these lines and retired to his farm, situated within a mile of Bardstown; went south to enlist in the Confederate army in 1861, but was compelled to- return on account of feeble health, and died in 1862. He married Margaret Wilson in 1841, and they had four children: Benjamin L., Mary, Emily and Tyler. Mr. McAtee was a man of very generous disposition and used his large means liberally, dispensing hospitality lavishly and lending a helping hand whenever he could do a kind turn for a friend or neighbor. He is remembered as one of the most useful citizens—a representative man of his times. His father was a native of Scotland, who came to America about the beginning of the War of the Revolution and served in the Colonial army.
Tyler W. McAtee attended the common schools of Nelson County and Cecilian College in Hardin County, before entering the St. Louis University, from which he was graduated in June, 1870. He began his successful career as a clerk in the store of Spalding & Carlisle at Bardstown, where he remained for eleven years. In 1881 he formed a partnership with Phillips Bros, at Owensboro, the firm being known as Phillips Bros. & McAtee, which is now one of the leading business houses of that city. He is largely interested in other enterprises in Owensboro, being a director in the Bank of Commerce, secretary of the Owensboro Woolen Company and stockholder in the Owensboro Wagon Company; is a Knight Templar in Masonry ; a member of the Southern Presbyterian Church, and a citizen of influence and good repute.
Mr. McAtee was married in 1878 to Sallie Rountree, daughter of R. H. Rountree. She was educated in Bellwood Seminary in Jefferson County, and is one of the most accomplished ladies in Owensboro society. They have three daughters: Margaret, Wickliffe, and Elizabeth.
Source: Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. John M. Gresham Company, Chicago, Philadelphia, 1896.