Ferrall, J. H.

J.H. Ferrall, Hardinsburg road, ten miles east of Owensboro, was born in Spencer County, Ind., May 16, 1839, and is a son of Reuben Ferrell (deceased), a native of Virginia. Mr. Ferrell came to this county with his parents in 1855, where he has since resided. In 1873 he married Susan C., daughter of James Clark. They have three children – Minnie, Fannie and Robert. Mr. Ferrell was a soldier in the late war in Company B, Eighth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, U.S.A. He participated in several of the smaller engagements, and helped to capture Morgan, the raider. He owns seventy-seven acres of land, and is engaged in general farming.

Source: History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co., 1883. Print.