Alms, Albert F.

Albert F Alms, born in Evansville, Ind., July 23, 1851, was a son of Henry and Johanna (Holtz-Lossie) Alms, natives of Germany. His mother died in 1873. His father still lives in Evansville. In 1864 Albert F. came to Owensboro and shortly after began to learn the tinner’s trade, with H. Alms & Co. He worked with them two years when the firm changed, Mr. Alms going out and the business being carried on by Mr. Lossie. He worked for Mr. Lossie until 1872 when he entered the firm as a partner with Wm. Lossie and John C. Frederick, under the firm name of Wm. Lossie & Co. Mr. Alms was married in 1881 to Kate, daughter of Henry Keller, and a native of Daviess County. The firm of Wm. Lossie & Co. is one of the leading firms of the city. The store and salesroom is in charge of Mr. Frederick and the workshop is under the general supervision of Mr. Lossie and Mr. Alms.

Source: History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co., 1883. Print.