John Evans was born in Jefferson County, Ky., March 24, 1823, and is a son of Francis Evans (deceased), a native of Caroline County, Va., who came to Kentucky in an early day. Our subject’s Great-grandfather Evans came from Wales a great many years ago, and settled in Virginia. Mr. Evans was brought up on his father’s farm, and his educational advantages were none other save those furnished by the subscription schools, taught in a log cabin with clapboard roof, split poles for seats, a log out for a window, and a plant supported on pins in the wall for a writing desk. Mr. Evans came to this county in 1848, and settled in Knottsville Precinct, where he still lives, three miles west of Knottsville, on his farm of 180 acres, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. He was married Feb. 11, 1852, to Miss Agnes Read, a daughter of Degrafton Read. They have five children – Mary, Bettie, Morton, Maggie and Charles. Mr. Evans has been a member of the Christian church ever since he was eighteen years of age.
Source: History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co., 1883. Print.