Gatewood, Griffin

Griffin Gatewood, son of James Gatewood, was born in Bowling Green, Ky., Sept. 6, 1820. His father was a native of Virginia. He removed from Bowling Green with his family in 1831, to Hancock County, where he died in 1838. Griffin came to Daviess County in 1839. He ran Jewell’s grist-mill two years and in 1841 came to Knottsville and learned the saddler’s trade with L.T. Brown. In November, 1842, he went to Jewell’s mill and carried on a saddler’s shop till December, 1843, when he removed to Yelvington and remained eight years. He then had a shop in Owensboro four or five years and since then has been engaged in farming. He was married Feb. 4, 1841, to Martha A., daughter of L.T. Brown. Eleven children have been born to them, only six now living – James L., Amanda, Mattie J., Thomas H., Nannie C. and Edwin L. Thomas H. and Edwin L. are teachers, and are fast gaining enviable reputations. Amanda has also taught in this county.

Source: History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co., 1883. Print.