Hazel, Thomas E.

Thomas E. Hazel, son of R.H. Hazel, of Knottsville, was born in this precinct, Jan. 22, 1841. On the day of his birth some parties dug a grave in the St. Lawrence Catholic cemetery. They had a large bottle of whisky with them, which they left by the grave, and a few days after, Mr. Hazel was out hunting and passed by the cemetery and found this bottle and took it home. It was a half-gallon bottle, and of the old-fashioned kind. For several years this bottle was used to churn the butter in for the family, and when Tom was large enough to send to the store he carried molasses in it. On one occasion he came swinging it along, when all at once it flew from his hand and broke, and away went bottle, molasses and all. He was married, Jan. 10, 1860, to Matilda Wathen, by whom he had nine children, four living – Mary E., Elnora, Eliza and Rosaline. Mrs. Hazel died Aug. 19, 1874. Mr. Hazel married in January, 1876, Emma May, by whom he had one child (deceased). Mr. Hazel early learned the shoemaker’s trade with his father, and followed it several years. He also worked in tobacco factories several years, and for some time in saw and grist mills.

Source: History of Daviess County, Kentucky. Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co., 1883. Print.