Marks, Albert Smith, governor of Tennessee, was born near Owensboro, Ky., Oct. 16, 1835; son of Elisha and Elizabeth (Sashbrooke) Marks, and a descendant of Jolin Marks, an early settler of Virginia. He removed to Tennessee with his parents, and on the death of his father in 1850 the management of the family estate fell upon him. He was admitted to the bar in 1858, and practiced in Winchester, Tenn. When Tennessee seceded in 1861, he joined the Confederate army as captain in the 17th Tennessee regiment, and reached the rank of colonel. He received a wound while leading a charge at Murfreesboro which rendered necessary the amputation of his foot. After his return to the field he served as judge advocate on the staff of General Forrest. He was married in 1863 to Novella, daughter of Maj. John R. Davis. He resumed his legal practice in 1865; was elected chancellor for the 4th chancery division of Tennessee in 1870 and was governor of Tennessee, 1879-81. After 1881 he practiced law in Nashville. He was a delegate to the Democratic state convention in 1882, and in 1887 was a candidate for the U.S. senate before the Democratic caucus and after 68 ballots William B. Bates was nominated and elected. He was a presidential elector for the state at large on the Cleveland ticket in 1888. He died in Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1891.
Source: Lamb’s Biographical Dictionary of The United States, Edited By John Howard Brown, James H. Lamb Company, Boston, 1899